Content Creation for Solo Entrepreneurs

Every day, I become more aware of just how many solo entrepreneurs are out there. These individuals are essentially one-person shows. They not only provide services and create products but also manage all aspects of their business, including marketing and promotion. While some may outsource certain tasks as needed, they don\’t have full-time employees to manage. 

Unfortunately, many solo entrepreneurs and business owners struggle with the marketing aspect of their business. That’s why today, I want to share with you a specific content creation strategy that can help you effectively market your business. In this article, I\’ll be sharing with you the benefits of long-form content and how it can help you achieve this goal. And with the help of AI, you\’ll be able to plug this strategy into your existing workflow more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

Benefits of Long-Form Content 

First, let\’s talk about long-form content. What exactly is it? I define it as content that is 1,000 words or more. That might sound like a lot of text, but trust me, it\’s not as much as you may be thinking. And the benefits of creating it are worth it. Here are some of the benefits of long-form content: 

Better SEO

Okay, I know SEO isn\’t the most exciting topic for many people, but bear with me. Let me start by saying, Google and other search engines love long-form content. Why? Because it tends to be more in-depth and informative. By providing more information on a topic, you can use more keywords, include more internal links, and generally provide a more comprehensive answer to a search query. This alone can lead to higher search rankings and more organic traffic to your website. 

More Engagement

Long-form content also tends to be more engaging than shorter content. Why? Because it allows you to really go in-depth on a topic. By providing detailed information and insights, you can hold your audience\’s attention and provide real value to them. When people find content valuable, they\’re more likely to share it, comment on it, and come back for more. 

So, that’s a quick snapshot of the benefits of long-form content. But, it doesn’t stop there. You can take it to the next level by turning your long-form content into video content and more. Before we get into that, let’s talk about the various “styles” you can use to present your content.

Different Article Styles 

Better SEO and more engagement with your content (think blog posts on your website) will ultimately lead to more of all the things you’re looking for. More visitors to your site, more prospects, more people discovering who you are and what you offer, etc. Now that all the above is fresh in your mind, let\’s talk about the different styles of articles you can write. 

The great thing about long-form content is that it\’s versatile and can be presented in many different ways. Let me add one more thing – sometimes a little bit of entertainment can go a long way. Here are a dozen styles of articles you can write: 


A listicle is an article that presents information in the form of a list. For example, \”10 ways to improve your email marketing\” or \”5 tips for better time management.\” 


A how-to article provides step-by-step instructions on how to do something. For example, \”How to create a Facebook ad\” or \”How to start a blog.\” 


A comparison article compares two or more things. For example, \”Old marketing vs new marketing\” or \”Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which is better?\” 


An analytical article takes a deeper look at a topic and provides analysis and insights. For example, \”The psychology behind consumer behavior\” or \”Why content marketing is the future of advertising.\” 

Personal Story

A personal story article shares a personal experience or anecdote related to your business or industry. For example, \”How I started my successful online store\” or \”My journey to becoming a freelance writer.\” 

A Review

A review article provides an in-depth evaluation of a product, service, or experience. For example, \”Review of the latest iPhone model\” or \”My experience with X web hosting company.\” 


An interview article features an interview with an expert or influencer in your industry. For example, \”Interview with a successful entrepreneur\” or \”Expert tips on social media marketing.\” 

Case Study

A case study article provides an in-depth analysis of a specific project or experience. For example, \”How we increased our website traffic by 300%\” or \”Case study: Successful email marketing campaign.\” 

Trend Analysis

A trend analysis article analyzes current trends in your industry. For example, \”Top e-commerce trends to watch in 2023\” or \”The rise of video content in digital marketing.\” 

News Article

A news article reports on recent news or events related to your industry. For example, \”Google\’s latest algorithm update explained\” or \”New study shows the importance of mobile optimization.\” 


An opinion article presents your own perspective on a topic. For example, \”Why I believe email marketing is still relevant in 2023\” or \”My thoughts on the future of social media.\” 


A roundup article features a collection of information or resources related to a specific topic. For example, \”The ultimate guide to email marketing tools\” or \”The top 10 business podcasts you need to listen to.\” 

These are just a few examples of the many different styles of articles you can write. Remember, the key is to choose a style that fits your audience and provides value to them. So, pick a style and get writing! 

Next, let\’s talk about the different software options you can use to create videos and audios.

Repurposing Long-Form Content for Video and Audio 

Even with AI, creating long-form content takes a little bit of time and effort, but the rewards can be significant. However, you can also extend the value of your long-form content even further by repurposing it into video and audio formats. Let me walk you through this. Think about it, with a little bit of effort, you can turn one piece of content into multiple forms of media, which can help build an audience even faster. Here are some examples of how to repurpose long-form content into video and audio: 

Create a video series – Break down your long-form content into shorter, more digestible videos that can be posted on YouTube, Facebook, or other video platforms. Each video can focus on a specific section or topic within your long-form content. 

Turn your long-form content into a script – Use your long-form content as a script for a video or podcast episode. This way, you don\’t have to come up with new content every time, and you can easily create more videos or podcast episodes. 

Record an audiobook – If your long-form content is a book or an eBook, consider recording an audiobook version. This can be a great way to attract new audiences who prefer to consume content in audio format. 

Create a webinar – Use your long-form content as the basis for a webinar. You can go into more detail and provide additional value to your audience in a live setting. 

Use snippets for social media – Take short excerpts or quotes from your long-form content and turn them into social media posts. This can help promote your long-form content and drive traffic back to your website. 

Turn it into a course – If your long-form content is a guide or tutorial, consider turning it into an online course. You can charge for access to the course or use it as a lead magnet to grow your email list. 

Make a podcast episode – Use your long-form content as the topic for a podcast episode. This is a great way to engage with your audience and provide additional value. 

Create an infographic – Use the main points from your long-form content to create an infographic. This can be a great way to share information in a visual format and drive traffic back to your website. 

Use it as a script for a live video – Use your long-form content as a script for a live video on Facebook or Instagram. This is a great way to connect with your audience in a more personal way. 

Create a Slideshare presentation – Turn your long-form content into a Slideshare presentation. This can be a great way to share information in a visually appealing format. 

Use it as a basis for a Q&A session – Use your long-form content as the basis for a Q&A session with your audience. This can be a great way to engage with your audience and answer their questions. 

The possibilities for repurposing your long-form content into video and audio are endless. You can get as creative as you like, experiment with different methods, and find out what works best for your target audience. The great thing about repurposing content is that you can expand your reach and boost engagement without having to come up with new ideas from scratch. 

Many successful entrepreneurs have used this strategy to grow their businesses. For example, Marie Forleo, the founder of B-School, repurposes her long-form content into a weekly video series that has over 50 million views. Pat Flynn, the founder of Smart Passive Income, repurposes his long-form content into a popular podcast that has helped him build a massive following. Another example is Sarah Von Bargen, the founder of Yes and Yes, who repurposes her long-form content into a weekly newsletter that has helped her grow her email list. These are just a few examples of how repurposing content can be a valuable marketing tool for solo entrepreneurs.

Platforms for Posting Videos and Audio 

Once you\’ve repurposed your long-form content into video and audio formats, it\’s important to know where to post them. There are several platforms you can use to share your content with your audience. Here are some of the most popular options:

  1. YouTube – the world\’s largest video-sharing platform with over 2 billion monthly active users.
  2. Vimeo – a video-sharing platform focused on high-quality content.
  3. Wistia – a video hosting platform for businesses.
  4. Rumble – a video-sharing platform that focuses on providing fair compensation to creators.
  5. BitChute – a video-sharing platform that emphasizes free speech and decentralization.
  6. SoundCloud – a platform for hosting and sharing audio content, especially music.
  7. Anchor – which has now become Spotify Podcasts. 
  8. Spotify – a music and podcast streaming platform that also allows users to upload and distribute their own content.
  9. Apple Podcasts – a podcast platform that comes pre-installed on all Apple devices.
  10. Google Podcasts – a podcast platform developed by Google for Android users. 

There are many other platforms out there, but these are some of the most widely used and reputable options. When choosing a platform, consider your target audience and the type of content you are creating. Some platforms may be better suited for certain types of content or demographics.

The Benefits of Using AI for Content Creation 

In addition to the benefits of repurposing long-form content, using artificial intelligence (AI) can also be a game-changer for content creation. AI-powered tools can help you streamline your content creation process, save time, and even improve the quality of your content. 

For example, ChatGPT, the AI platform I\’ve been using since late last year, can provide suggestions for content topics, generate headlines, and even help with grammar and syntax. Sometimes you can read a block of text you’ve written, and you know immediately that you can do much better. This is where AI can save you a lot of time. Simply ask it to rewrite the text so it “flows smoothly” and that’s exactly what it will do! 

Other popular AI tools for content creation include, which can generate marketing copy and product descriptions, and Canva, which can help with design and visual elements. 

With the latest AI technology, people like you and I (solo entrepreneurs and small business owners) can focus on our core business activities while still producing high-quality content that engages our audience. 

Another plus is the fact that AI can also help with keyword research and search engine optimization (SEO), making it easier for potential customers to discover you through your content. Paid advertising may have its place, but SEO gives us an enticing alternative! 

Overall, incorporating AI into your content creation strategy can help you create more efficiently and effectively, freeing up your time and resources to focus on other things.


I have a confession to make: I\’ve been using the same strategy on and off for decades in my online business adventures. Writing has always been a good fit for me, but at times, I have underestimated how time-consuming it can be. For example, life can present us with a double helping of challenges, and things like content creation, especially long-form content, end up on the back burner. Additionally, with the rise of social media, traditional SEO seemed to be on its way out, adding to the challenge. 

Furthermore, this approach worked faster in some niches than others, and when progress was slow, it was difficult to stay motivated. These may all sound like excuses, and they probably are. 

However, I have to admit that AI makes the entire writing process feel more like a team effort than a singular one, and that makes a huge difference. It does for me, at least. It allows me to push beyond limitations we all face, such as limited attention spans, occasional brain fog, and having too many irons in the fire. 

I hope I’ve given you a bit of inspiration to take a fresh approach to your content creation strategy. Long-form content can be a powerful tool for marketing your business, and repurposing that content into video and audio formats can help you reach a wider audience. Experiment with different styles of writing and different software for creating videos and audio.

Once you get comfortable with the tools, you’ll level up your entire process.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to get back to everyone with the results of my latest content campaign sometime during the late summer. Although I’m not writing about a super-popular topic (solopreneurs or solo entrepreneurs), an upward trajectory should be visible on Google Analytics within the next 6-8 months.

I’ll share the results then. Thanks for reading!